danzpeople recital – spotlight



More photos on facebook!


First attempt at a contemporary item.

Initially I thought it would be like lyrical jazz but no no no. There are certain similar traits, yes. Technique and basics needs to be there. But otherwise, it was very different, expecially in terms of execution and visual effects.

It was an interesting experience. Plus I got to work with Susan, whose ballet classes I used to attend many years ago. Funny how life and interests get people re-acquainted.

As with all performances, it was also a chance to make even more friends who share a common passion. Things did get a little haphazard and frustrating along the way but seeing as it is only Danzpeople’s second recital, everyone took it in stride and if anything it was a good learning experience. I’m glad I did this and I’ll miss the five tweenies and their bundle of neverending energy I had to keep up with.

Thank you Susan, for letting me be part of your creative choreography. Thank you Clare, for being so patient, week after week, to clean up the routine. Thank you Danzpeople, for hosting and organizing this.

Till next time!


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Approximately one month. Gotta make it happen.

Can I? Can I? Can I?

*sucks in a lungful of hot afternoon air*


With God’s will . . .




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prince charmings need GPS too


Dear all,

I appreciate the concern but can we please stop trying to matchmake me? With somebody’s friend. The neighbour’s cousin. The third uncle’s colleague.


He’ll come along, and he’ll be worth the wait =)





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got a barre to spare?


Early for rehearsal?


Strike a pose . . .


. . . and hang like a koala!



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you can’t stop the beat!


I got to dance yesterday.

And . . .

today too!

Such a rarity. Two days in a row! Bryan’s broadway on Wednesday and Jessica’s contemporary jazz today. Enjoyed both classes especially broadway which is one of those classes where regardless of technical ability, age or gender, you will be guaranteed a whole hour of absolute fun and the chance to strut, pout and shimmy like a diva. So fun and flamboyant! My secret inner Vegas showgirl is shrieking with delight!

Many years ago, during a job orientation, the new employees were asked to introduce themselves and state a little known fact about them. I clearly remember saying this, “My name is Suraiya. I like to dance and I hope to be able to perform in a musical someday.”

Naive but honest. It came from the heart yo.

I LOVED all the musicals I’ve watched. Its one of things that you have an innate attraction to. One of those things, for me, are musicals. And even though I have set aside my budget in the coming month for medical fees, a new phone (no choice. the old one is on life support.) and absolute necessities, I am willing to spend on a Chicago ticket and starve (okay fine. eat less.) for a bit.

Anyway, because the chance for classes are so rare to come by, I treasure every bit and think of it as possibly my last one in a long while. I hold back less and I am learning to smile. (Those who know me well will rejoice!)

So I am satiated. And till the next time I shake my thang, my deprived self and I will live on the high I had from these two days.


PS. My starjump? Far from twinkling. I look like I’m hopping over a large drain, sideways.



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ear to ear


I draw a smiley in my diary for every time we’ve met.



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thinking about january


I believe the last time I attended an open class was exactly THREE WHOLE MONTHS ago.

Can’t quite recall whose, but I know it was then because a week in January was the last time I had a full morning work week. Just in case nobody is getting the point here, afternoon shifts suck. Bad.

I cannot remember how to use my body or work it how I want. Every movement feels stiff and unnatural, even with technically demanding ones. My rhythm feels like a plataeu. From the start of the music to the time it ends, I flow in mono. It feels like you reach out with all your might and you almost touch that something. Very nearly do. Then you hit a wall.  It is frustrating because I know I can do so much more. Stretch further. Jump higher. Turn faster.

I am so happy to see my friends travelling the globe, living their boogie dreams and learning from the best of the best. Didn’t these dreams seem unrealistic and impossible just a few years ago? To travel halfway around the planet just to . . . dance? Not anymore, it isn’t.

I am sooooo happy and excited for everyone! I hope they come back with a head full of fresh ideas and a renewed zest for the craft. I’m sure everyone will level up up up!

Someday, really soon, I’ll make it there too.

I told my mother, “I don’t wanna look back on my twenties and say I spent it . . . working.”

While my bones aren’t breaking and my feet can still point, while I have rhythm in my heart and passion in my blood, I will dance.



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doing it in the open


At the risk of sounding like an exhibitionist, I must say that I really do love open air bathrooms! It is after all, nicer to be close to nature when it erm, calls.

Aren’t these just the cutest ones?


And in my favourite colour too!


Back to basics.


Can you already feel the sun streaming in and the breeze tickling your (soapy) hair?


Unless I get betrothed to an Arab oil sheikh who will buy me a penthouse or volunteer to shower in the open (and risk arrest for indecent exposure), there is no way I will get my dream shower space in Singapore.



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my illogical sweet friend


My friend, tiny tuna lover of terence suspender singh then a.k.a Spicegirl, is sometimes spicy but mostly sweet. She probably didn’t realise it but said the most “AWWWWW” thing that day.


We were talking about this boy I like but she doesn’t quite.

Tuna: I just don’t get good feelings. He looks like he will be a bad boyfriend that kind.
Me: What makes you think I’ll make a good girlfriend?
Tuna: You’ll make a good mother.
(Totally out of point but nvm.)
Me: But those are 2 different things. It doesn’t mean I’ll make a good girlfriend what.
Tuna: Because you are my friend and he is not!


*hugs smelly tuna*


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not alone



Such tenderness. Such strength.


Thanks Peach for this video. I wanna feel this way dancing to a piece someday.


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